It's all about the data!
The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) held a Mine Planning Colloquium on 6-7 June 2017. This was the third in a...
What does Space Mining have to do with SAP and MineRP?
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to share the stage with Head of Innovation for SAP Africa, and Mars 1 candidate Adriana Marais at the...
3 reasons why your Health & Safety Software won't save lives
Mining health and safety systems that are anything less than operationally focused, fully integrated, cognitively enabled enterprise solutio
10 times the difference changes everything!
TEN! 10. That’s how many times better and faster something needs to be to change the game you play. MineRP can make that big an impact on...
So, are you optimizing anything yet?
Perhaps not! Perhaps for some good reasons? For example, two common reasons cited for not taking advantage of what true mathematical...
Are you managing data, or using data to manage?
The issue with Expert Solutions To find out how to solve these integration, inter-operation issues, follow this link to read the full...