Keeping pace with volatility in the mining space
Mine planning by its nature is multi-disciplinary, If you have not seen the Open Group’s EMMMV Model of the mine planning process, have a...
Post 1 of 3 in a series on Open Group Models and Mining Scrolls
(They are quite short – to suit a miner’s attention span) Open Group Exploration and Mining Business Process Reference Model The Open...
10 times the difference changes everything!
TEN! 10. That’s how many times better and faster something needs to be to change the game you play. MineRP can make that big an impact on...
So, are you optimizing anything yet?
Perhaps not! Perhaps for some good reasons? For example, two common reasons cited for not taking advantage of what true mathematical...
Mining Business Optimisation 101
What do we mean by optimisation? Whilst there is varied usage of the word ‘optimisation’, the one thing in common is a desire to seek...