Reinventing your mining safety net..
As the largest gathering of mining professionals, the yearly Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference is usually a fair indication of the state mining is in. One of the biggest topics at the conference this year is surviving in seriously tough times. We know mining is in a slump, but who will survive it to the next rebound?
Even though the commodity boom is long gone, and we have yet to see a significant improvement in prices, miners are still comfortable talking about commodity price recovery. (Jessica Fung, BMO analyst). With limited price recovery on base metals, it will be an uphill battle.
Given the situation mining faces, miners need to make sure they can survive this downturn, profiting from diminished margins, lower grades and stricter regulations. It is time for miners to become strategic planners, not wasting an ounce of resources.
Addressing both efficiency and effectiveness considerations, the MineRP optimization offerings were designed to integrate strategic business planning and physical mine designs and scheduling. This entailed re-thinking the way planning is done, and allowing for rapid business plan development in time where markets favors agile businesses above all.