MineRP - serious about mining's digital transformation!

Bringing sustainable transformation to the mining industry takes more than talk. That’s why we’re happy to announce the start of a new chapter in MineRP’s innovation focused history. In short, Dundee Precious Metals and MineRP has announced that DPM intends to purchase the majority interest in MineRP, and combine it with DPM’s Terrative Digital Solutions to form an exciting new venture focused on digital innovation and transformation in the mining industry. Millisecond Mining Transformative Innovation will not be delivered through mere focus on efficiency. Modern strategies for digital transformation requires both an integrated information domain and a reliable technology platform for real-time and cognitive planning, execution, monitoring and control of the mining operation. The innovative impetus provided by the combination of MineRP and Terrative, combined with industry partners across the digital landscape is due to make waves in the mining industry.

Need more information? If you have any questions or need more information, please email info@minerp.com or phone your nearest MineRP office.