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MineRP Evaluation: Multiple scenario evaluation within minutes in a truly integrated fashion

Evaluating the mineral content of a 3D construct such as a planned geometry or a surveyed volume lies at the heart of determining the usefulness of that plan, or the success of a given excavation. In planning, evaluation is the determining factor that distinguishes one design option from another (from a yield perspective), and in fields like volumetric survey, evaluation is used to determine the impact of mining quality issues such as underbreak, overbreak and dilution.

Traditionally, the extreme computational resources required to evaluate a mine plan against underlying geological models made the process slow and expensive. MineRP Evaluation was created to rethink the way evaluation is done, utilizing modern capabilities such as High-Performance Computing (HPC) to deliver ground-breaking improvements in the speed and ease at which results are calculated, reported on, and visualized.

MineRP Evaluation in the MineRP Platform

MineRP Evaluation is one of the components included in the Mine RP 4.0 Platform, and enables seamless integration between volumetric science, planning/scheduling, and geoscience disciplines.

The evaluation capabilities offered by the newly minted MineRP Evaluation will be reused across the MineRP Platform:

  • MineRP Planner – where designs options are evaluated,

  • EPS Viz – where MineRP offers Schedule Evaluation, and

  • MineRP Volumetrics – where surveyed solids are evaluated, and operational gains and losses are quantified.

With MineRP, evaluation becomes an asynchronous activity where evaluation tasks (like evaluating a mine design) are submitted to the evaluation engine, and users continue with work while the computing is done in parallel.

Intersections and computing happen on the Evaluation Engine – where the required computational workload is dynamically distributed to the available “compute nodes”. Once computation is complete, the evaluation results are stored in the MineRP Platform, and the user is notified that the process is complete.

Evaluation results can then be analysed and are also available for 3D Spatial Visualization and reporting.

No more waiting for Evaluation runs to complete.

With the advent of MineRP’s parametric mine planning, it became clear that ultra-fast mine design capabilities also require ultra-fast design evaluation. The architectural provision for High-Performance Computing in MineRP Evaluation means that evaluation jobs that used to stop all productivity because they took hours and days to complete, can now be completed in a matter of minutes.

MineRP Evaluation. The solution to multiple scenario evaluation within minutes in a true integrated fashion.


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